“2023 YU Industrial-Academic Cooperation Expo” was held, sharing excellent achievements of YU’s industrial-academic coop N
No.8643640- Writer PR team
- Date : 2023.12.07 15:18
- Publication Date : 2023.11.21
- Views : 6809
Linking and sharing the results of two-way industrial-academic cooperation with local communities… Expected contribute in social value creation
Exhibition of excellent cases such as industrial-academic joint technology development, student startup items, and field training
Great responses to operation of a booth for ABB (Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Blockchain) family business products and services
[November 21, 2023]
<“2023 YU Industrial-Academic Cooperation Expo” was held at YU Chunma Art Center on the 21st>
“2023 YU Industrial-Academic Cooperation Expo” was held to show the achievements of industrial-academic cooperation of YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) at a place.
“2023 YU Industrial-Academic Cooperation Expo” was held at LEE Si-won Global Convention Hall of YU Chunma Art Center on the 21st, with joint holding by the Ministry of Education, the National Research Foundation of Korea, and YU under hosting by YU LINC3.0 Project Group. This event was prepared to strengthen connections with the local community and contribute to the creation of social value by sharing best practices of industry-academia cooperation promoted by YU.
At this event, good practices of interactive industry-academia cooperation such as ▲ Industry-academic joint technology (knowledge) development tasks, ▲ Industry-academic joint technology, (knowledge) commercialization tasks ▲Prototype production support project, ▲ Industrial proposal CDP (Capstone Design Program), ▲ Excellent sharing and collaboration examples, and ▲Excellent cases of field training and videos of award-winning works were displayed and students presented their ingenious startup ideas were shown through ▲ King of Entrepreneurship Competition.
<Students participating in “2023 YU Industrial-Academic Cooperation Expo”>
In the industrial-academic joint technology (knowledge) development project, 19 excellent cases such as “Research on efficient method of correcting the viewing angle error of a laser detector” and “Development of display-based communication source technology” were shown; in the prototype production support project, 12 excellent cases such as “Development of rear seat supports for CN7N electric vehicle models” and “Development of lightweight vehicle for PBV” were shown and; in Capstone Design, 10 excellent cases such as “Research on linear bushing noise analysis and reduction measures,” “Detachable walker robot for balance control,” and “Variable mobile wheel devices for traveling on rough roads” were shown. At King of Entrepreneurship Competition, 20 ingenious and creative startup items by students such as “UAM (Urban Air Transportation) Mobile Vertiport (Takeoff and Landing)” and ‘Smart Personal Mobility & Platform” were shown.
Especially, at this Expo, good responses were obtained from more than 2,000 students participated in the Event, with operation of a booth for the products and services of future advanced industries based on ABB (artificial intelligence, big data, blockchain) technology of YU’s family corporations such as Tobes Co., Ltd., Rojin IT Co., Ltd., Yuri Co., Ltd., AR Media Works Co., Ltd., Y Design Lab Co., Ltd., NearNetworks Co., Ltd., and Pudding Co., Ltd.
<BAE Cheol-ho, head of YU LINC3.0 Project Team, is introducing “2023 YU Industrial-Academic Cooperation Expo”>
BAE Cheol-ho, head of YU LINC3.0 Project Team had prepared the Expo and said, “This Expo is a venue to share the achievements made by the university, industry, and the community. It is an opportunity to understand the vision and flow of industry-academic cooperation and create synergy between the community and the university.”
Meanwhile, LINC3.0 Project hosted by the Ministry of Education and National Research Foundation of Korea is a large governmental financial support project for 135 universities (76 general universities and 59 junior colleges) to construct industrial-academic cooperative ecosystem based on advancement, super-connection, and super-cooperation by industry-academia-research to create high added value.YU was selected for 2022 LINC 3.0 Project following LINC Phase 1 (2012-2016) and Phase 2 (2017-2021) and will receive a total of KRW 12 billion in government funding, approximately KRW 4 billion per year for 3 years to implement various projects to improve enterprises’ competitiveness and activate local industries as well as cultivation of excellent talents in next-generation new-growth areas such as future mobility and energy.